Hmawnglor le Alu Ngathu Chialhme

Hmawnglor, Hmanglawr, Ngathu Chialhme, Sacred Fig Leaves, Potato, Fermented Fish, Dried Red Chilli, Garlic, Salt, Cooking Pot, Vegetables, Mortar and Pastel, Excess Water

Simple and easy to prepare, yet a mouth-watering traditional dish with potato, fermented fish and tender sacred fig leaves!


  1. Tender Sacred Fig Leaves (Hmawnglor).
  2. Potato (Alu).
  3. Fermented Fish (Ngathu).
  4. Dried Red Chilli (Hmarcha Trawl).
  5. Garlic (Purunvar).
  6. Salt (Chi).


  1. Peel the Potato, cut the Potato in the middle vertically.
  2. Cut them again lengthwise into half inches.
  3. Wash and add them to the cooking pot.
  4. Add water 1 and half inches above the level of the vegetables.
  5. Pound Dried Red Chilli in a Mortar and Pastel and add it to the cooking pot.
  6. Add Fermented Fish.
  7. Add Salt.
  8. Cook with the lid on top of the pot and stir occasionally.
  9. Wash the plucked Tender Sacred Fig Leaves with water.
  10. Squeeze the leaves to remove excess water.
  11. Add to the dish.
  12. Pound the peeled Garlic in a Mortar and Pastel and add it to the dish
  13. Stir and mix the ingredients properly.
  14. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, till the added leaves are cooked.
  15. Mash some of the potatoes to make thicker gravy.

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