Dolhro Sathu Changalhme

Indigenous Cuisine, Sathu Changalhme, Dried Taro Leaves, Fermented Pork, Dried Red Chilli, Baking Soda, Salt, Excess Water, Cooking Pot, Boiling Water, Teaspoonful, Gas Stove, Gravy, Serve Hot

A favourite of many, its easy to cook and takes only a few minutes to prepare this mouth-watering indigenous cuisine (Sathu Changalhme) with Dried Taro Leaves, Fermented Pork and Dried Red Chilli!


  1. Dried Taro Leaves (Dolhro).
  2. Fermented Pork (Sathu).
  3. Dried Red Chilli (Hmarcha Trawl).
  4. Baking Soda (Changal).
  5. Salt (Chi).


  1. Tear the Dried Taro Leaves with your fingers and soak it in a water for about five minutes.
  2. Squeeze it with your hands for excess water.
  3. Clean again twice with water, squeezing off excess water.
  4. Boil water in a Cooking Pot.
  5. Halve the Dried Red Chilli with your fingers and add it to the boiling water.
  6. Add a teaspoonful of Fermented Pork.
  7. Lower the flame of the gas stove.
  8. Add about one-third teaspoon Baking Soda.
  9. Add Dried Taro Leaves and stir.
  10. Cook till there is only a small amount of gravy (or one’s desired amount), stirring occasionally.
  11. Serve hot or cold.

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