Sathu – Fermented Pork

How to prepare fermented pork, a traditional food ingredient among the Hmar and its kindred peoples.

Fermented Pork, called ‘Sathu‘ in Hmar in an an important food ingredient among the Hmar tribals and its kindred peoples in Northeast India. It is usually added to their wide range of assorted dishes. It can also be prepared with roasted chilli, dried or green, to make Hmarchadeng or Chutney.


  1. Cut fresh Pork and fats into small chunks.
  2. Boil it until its properly cooked.
  3. Cool it.
  4. Put the cooked pork and fats, along with a small amount of its soup, into an airtight bottle or container (like a properly cleaned Horlicks’ bottle). Traditionally, the Hmars used a dried bottle gourd to ferment a pork.
  5. Put the airtight container outside in the sunlight for at least 3 consecutive days without opening it.
  6. You can also place the container besides a fireplace or gas stove at night or when there is no sunlight.
  7. On the fourth or so days, your Sathu is ready to be enjoyed!

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