- Pressure cook the Bamboo Shoots.
- Dispose the water.
- Put the boiled Bamboo Shoots in a cooking vessel.
- Meanwhile, you can also pressure cook the Smoked Beef if you have an extra cooker and stove.
- After cooked, take out the Smoked Beef and put them in a plate to cool off.
- Pour the Smoked Beef soup on to the cooking vessel where you put the boiled Bamboo Shoots.
- Shred apart the cooked Smoked Beef with your washed hands.
- Put them to the cooking vessel with the soup and Bamboo Shoots.
- Add water if needed to the level of the ingredients.
- Add halved Green Chilli.
- Bring the dish to boil for sometime.
- Lower the flame of the gas stove.
- Add 2/5 spoon of Baking Soda.
- Add irregularly sliced Eggplant.
- Stir occasionally.
- Add Salt to taste.
- Stir occasionally until the Eggplant is also cooked.
- Turn off the gas stove.
Note: The dish taste better with less gravy.